Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Holy Days...

Psalm 46:1: God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Life by the Bay

I will probably never get tired of this place.   I have loved it here all my life.  
It is Thursday night and rain is beginning to fall.  Outside it is jet black, peepers are  chirping up a storm of their own.   
A barn owl is hooting in the woods out back near the creek that leads into the open bay.   
He is a big fellow that landed on the awning over the back porch one day and as he took off his wing span covered my 4 foot wide (48 inches) kitchen window and then some.
No tourists are here yet. Sumer homes are closed up tight and the snowbirds have not yet gotten back from Florida.  When they come up the roads are a mess. Not only can't they drive, there are just too many of the critters.  After a summer of them we breathe a sigh of relief when they leave in autumn.

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Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Be Kind to Animals.

No Spring here yet. Forsythia bloomed, some hyacinths coming up but it was 34°F last night so still pretty chilly around here.
Here is my Tuesday 4...

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Let's talk about animals today!

1. What pets do you have or have you had? Do you have any now or if not, why not?

I've had dogs, cats, fish, turtles and canaries. The canaries were really my mothers.   I  am too disabled now to take proper care of a pet. I do have a pond full of fish though.

2. How did you find names for your animal friends? What are their names?   y concerning pets you would like to share?  It could be someone else's as well as your own.  I named all of our animals.  One kitty got the name Sweet Pea since she was a runt and missed the litter box a few times.

4.   What benefit  do you find having animals in your family? What are the cons of having them?     They can be good company and very loyal and loving. They can be a lot of work.